Software-update: WordPress 5.0 ¨Bebo¨ (Milestone Release)

Versie 5.0 van WordPress is uitgebracht. In deze software update bevat onder meer een compleet vernieuwde editor (Gutenberg) en een nieuw standaard thema.
De oude editor is te downloaden vanaf de officiële WordPress/plugins repository.

De release changenotes voor deze uitgave kunnen hieronder worden gevonden.

New Block Editor

Some big changes have come to the editing experience in WordPress. A new block-based editor is the first step toward an exciting new future with a streamlined editing experience site-wide.

  • More flexibility with how content is displayed
  • Insert any type of multimedia and have it embed automatically
  • Each piece of content is in its own block and easily maneuverable with mouse or keyboard
  • Tons of blocks available by default with more to come: paragraph, heading, preformatted text, quote, image, gallery, cover image, video, audio, columns with nested blocks, files, code, and more

Blocks are also reusable and many can easily be converted from one type to another. This new editing experience provides a more consistent treatment of design as well as content.

Designer / Developer Handbook

New Default Theme: Twenty Nineteen

Introducing Twenty Nineteen, a new default theme that shows off the power of the new editor.

  • Designed for the block editor
  • Simple, type-driven layout
  • Versatile design for all sites

Classic Editor

Prefer to stick with the familiar Classic Editor? No problem! Support for the Classic Editor plugin will remain in WordPress through 2021.

The Classic Editor plugin restores the previous WordPress editor and the Edit Post screen.

Classic Editor lets you:

  • Keep using plugins that extend it
  • Keeps old-style meta boxes
  • Allows your to continuing using functionality otherwise dependent on the legacy editing experience

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WordPress en de nieuwe editor:
Gutenberg of Klassieke Editor?:

Advies: Wij raden u aan om handmatig back-ups te maken van de database(s) voordat u deze upgrade uitvoert.
Let op, wanneer u automatische updates van WordPress hebt aanstaan, wordt dit vanzelf bijgewerkt naar de nieuwste versie.

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