Versie 8.8.0 van Drupal is uitgebracht.
Drupal is een in PHP geschreven, gebruiksvriendelijk en krachtig contentmanagementsystem (CMS) platform, waarmee bijvoorbeeld websites kunnen worden gemaakt. Het is eenvoudig genoeg voor een beginnende gebruiker, maar krachtig genoeg om ook een wat complexere website te bouwen.
Het programma bevat een contentmanagementsystem platform en een developmentframework. In versie 8.6 bevat onder meer oEmbed, een nieuwe manier om media toe te voegen, en is er een demo die laat zien waartoe Drupal allemaal in staat is.
Release notes
Drupal versie 8.8 is de laatste versie waar nog (grote) veranderingen in worden aangebracht. Begin juni volgend jaar zal zowel versie 9.0 als versie 8.9 uitkomen. Die laatste is een versie waar voor lange termijn ondersteuning zal worden gegeven.
What’s new in Drupal 8.8.0?
The last normal feature release of Drupal 8 includes a stable Media Library as well as several improvements to workspaces and migrations. The new experimental Claro administration theme brings a fresh look to site management. This is also the first release to come with native Composer support.
Stable Media Library
The Media Library module allows easy reuse of images, documents, videos, and other assets across the site. It is integrated into content forms and seamlessly fits into CKEditor. You can upload media right from the library and even reuse a combination of uploaded and existing media. Media Library was previously included with Drupal core as a beta experimental module.
New experimental administration theme
The Claro administration theme was added to Drupal core with beta experimental stability. The new theme is clean, accessible, and powerful. Administration pages are more touch-friendly, and color combinations and contrasts are more accessible.
Significant improvements to Workspaces
It is now possible to define hierarchical workspaces (such as preparing a “New Year’s” issue for a magazine under the “winter issue”, while both receive changes to be deployed). Workspaces can now work with Content Moderation, and path alias changes can also be staged.
Native Composer support included
Drupal 8.8.0 is the first release to include native Composer support without reliance on third-party projects to set up Drupal with its dependencies. New sites can be created using a one-line command.
Migration improvements
The multilingual migration path is still experimental, but has received various updates. This includes handling of vocabulary language settings, term language information, and localization. Modules can now specify whether migrations provided by them are finished or not finished to help audi