Dev: WordPress 5.8 Beta 3

WordPress 5.8 Bèta 3 is nu beschikbaar om te testen!

Deze software is nog in ontwikkeling, dus het wordt niet aanbevolen om deze versie op een productiesite te draaien. Overweeg een testsite op te zetten om ermee te spelen.


U kunt de WordPress 5.8 Bèta 3 op drie manieren testen:

  • Installeer/activeer de WordPress Beta Tester-plug-in (selecteer het Bleeding edge-kanaal en de Beta/RC Only-stream).
  • Download hier direct de bètaversie (zip).
  • WP-CLI gebruiken om te testen: wp core update –version=5.8-beta3

Het huidige doel voor de definitieve release is 20 juli 2021. Dat is nog maar vier weken verwijderd, dus we hebben jouw hulp nodig om de definitieve release zo goed mogelijk te maken.

Release notes 5.8 – Bèta 3

Since Beta 2, 38 bugs have been fixed. Here is a summary of some of the included changes:

  • Block Editor: Move caching to endpoint for unique responses. (#53435)
  • Bundled Themes: Improve display of blocks in widget areas. (#53422)
  • Coding Standards: Bring some consistency to HTML formatting in wp-admin/comment.php. (#52627)
  • Editor: Include Cover block in the list of block types registered using metadata files. (#53440)
  • Editor: Include Cover block in the list of block types registered using metadata files. (#53440)
  • Media: Add new functions to return the previous/next attachment links. (#45708)
  • Media: Improve upload page media item layout on smaller screens. (#51754)
  • Media: Update total attachment count when media added or removed. (#53171)
  • REST API: Decode single and double quote entities in widget names and descriptions. (#53407)
  • Twenty Nineteen: Update margins on full- and wide-aligned blocks in the editor. (#53428)
  • Widgets: Add editor styles to the widgets block editor. (#53344)

Hoe kan u helpen?

Watch the Make WordPress Core blog for 5.8-related developer notes in the coming weeks, which will break down these and other changes in greater detail.

So far, contributors have fixed 254 tickets in WordPress 5.8, including 91 new features and enhancements, and more bug fixes are on the way.

Do some testing!

If you think you’ve found a bug, please post to the Alpha/Beta area in the support forums. We would love to hear from you! If you’re comfortable writing a reproducible bug report, file one on WordPress Trac. That’s also where you can find a list of known bugs.

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WordPress 5.8 komt eraan…

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